Friday, July 30, 2010

Just a couple more days and it will be time to go home!  Family members come and go during the summer.  I know we'll be back but still, it's hard to leave.  Rural living in the summer is pretty great.  We are down to our last quart of blueberries and I have one more recipe to try from Maryland's Way.

More Later,

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Dinner party attack!
 hostess:  "Aren't these tomatoes lovely?  They are the best dish tonight!"
"Plantress, would you like some more tomatoes?"
 Me:  "Oh, no thank you!"
 Hostess: " Plantress, did you have any tomatoes?" 
 Me:  "no, I didn't"
 Hostess:  "I'll go get you some"
 Me: " no thank you"
 Hostess: "Don't you like tomatoes?"
 Me:  "not in that form.
Hostess:  "What do you mean, 'not in that form?'
Me:   I like salsa and gazpacho and ketchup and tomato soup, I just don't care for some"
 Hostess "shall I cut it up for you?"
 Me:  "NO THANK YOU.  I don't care for tomatoes in the round!"

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Even though I am immersed in summer pleasures, I always make time to take a peek at upcoming fashions to get some ideas for fall shopping.  I am still seeing the layered look, which I really enjoy, and some funky dresses.  Generally, I look for items which will add to my existing wardrobe but give it a little "twist".  Is this how you shop for fall?  Any fashion hints?

Alexander McQueen


this is my look! :)

J Crew Men's

Men have it so easy!

More Later!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A goal for this day

We want to sample the wine ice cream being sold by the local dairy store Mercer's Ice Cream.  I would also like to pick blueberries at the pick yer own place.
God's Peace

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Donut Shop in Eagle Bay

If you find yourself in the old forge, NY region-at the bottom of the fulton chain of lakes, be sure to stop by the Donut shop along Rt 28 N as you head into Eagle Bay.  The shop has a huge sign by the side of the road on the right and once you have tasted their donuts you will be an addict for life!
Pat and Dave Rowe own the shop and they have been in business there for 7 years.  I chanced in a few years ago on my way up north to Camp Regis Applejack.  Since then I try to make the trip at least once a year and this morning we piled in the old wagon and rode up, craving those sweet donuts all the way!

When you get there go up to the little screened window.  Go ahead and just ask for a dozen sugared donuts.  Believe me, no one gets just one or two.  You have 2 choices-plain "cakes" or sugared, and sugared is the way to go.  We got a dozen and each of us had 3.  I could have eaten more but we got another dozen to bring back to Alder Creek.  That's how good they are!!!

this was my view from the little window

I got to go in the back and check it out.  The big fry tub was empty but there were trays and trays made up.

Pat told me that they have a facebook Fan page....
They will ship them to you next day air
and once you've had one you will know why people ask to have them shipped...

Homemade donuts Daily

these donuts are the world's best.  I kid you not!

More Later,
ps.  we also went to an antique show in old forge on the way home.  There was some good old pack baskets and fishing creels.  I found a postcard of our relative JD Kernan.  It was a great photo of the house which still stands right down the street.  Then a swim at North Pond and out to dinner on the road tonight.

Friday, July 23, 2010

wildflowers of NY state. Please help identify

I think the pink are phlox or stock.  Not sure of the white one.  Anyone know?  Still chilly and drizzly but at home it's in the 90s so no complaints.
More Later!
It's raining in Alder Creek.  Off to Utica to explore and pick up Uncle Bill!

Camper gets to go too.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Picking wildflowers on the tug hill plateau.  The monarda escapes from cultivated gardens and makes it's way into the meadow..............a swim, a picnic lunch, air dried clean sheets from the laundry line and fresh flowers for incoming houseguests. 

More Later!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Spotlight On...CNY Glass Studio and Gallery

I am lucky enough to be able to introduce you to the most amazing success story; that of Chris and Jacquelyn Rice, the owners of CNY Glass.  Last year I visited their studio for the first time even though I had passed it many times on Rt 12 on the way into Boonville.  The brave couple had started their own business in an area that is NOT chock full of artists.  Many locals here don't have money to spend on extras.  But the dynamic duo managed to stay afloat by following their dream.

The glass studio is attached to the retail shop.  Chris and Jacquelyn have a store on etsy and an online business site as well.  They make glass beads, vases, all kinds of  wine stoppers and bowls and ornaments and more.  They sell online and in their retail store.  They offered lessons in their studio.  They rented studio space.  They had stalls at farmer's markets.  I was so impressed with how they managed to put a life together out of all these threads-somehow pulling it all together to make the life they love.

When I last saw Chris in August he was beginning to weld metal to create unique pieces, some of them with fused glass attached.  As of my visit with him yesterday, he had made his own metal forge for his work and is planning an addition to the glass studio.  They are busier thann ever before and are now showing at the bigger art events.  They have made it work!  And they are doing what they want to on their own terms!

Please check out their online offerings at these links:

Amazing work and an amazing couple. 

More Later!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Pleasures-the produce stand in Boonville, NY

Ahh summer.  I have driven the torturous drive back up to Alder Creek from northern Maryland, to escape the heat and enjoy the simple things.  One of those is Mellace's produce stand where I get a whole boxload of fruit and veggies before I go to the "real" grocery store.  Here are some shots of Mr. Mellace and his new puppy Lisa.  He also showed us his rabbits, pigeons and new order of melons over at the side of the building.  Places like this don't seem to be around much anymore.

Tomorrow is the Lyon's Falls farmers market and I have my fingers crossed that the jewelry lady still has her booth. 
More Later!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Look it's a BABY!!!

My friend is a new Granny and I spent time with the sweetest natured 5 month old boy today.  I want to show you!

I love his little bubbles!

more Later!