Sunday, June 6, 2010

who doesn't love a walk in the woods?

One of my favorite blogs here is by Rose of Walk in the Woods-what I made today.  I am doing that from memory so I hope it's right.  Anyhoo, the blog is very uplifting to me because she is there amongst the herbs and green healing arts-which I strongly believe in.

So she has a cool artfire shop and an etsy shop too.  I was struck by the tarot card readings available in the etsy shop.  You can get a reading very inexpensively-a one time thing or you can get a whole years worth.  Pretty cool beans.  After reading her blog for awhile I would def pick Walk in the Woods over your average neon sign totin' fake inner city gypsy type tarot card reader.  You should check out her shop and see for yourself.  While you are there you might want some nice lavender spray.  Or maybe both!  (Why don't I have spellcheck?)

I really like the words dream it, do it, make it manifest

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