Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dreaming of Change

Dreaming of Change

Most people dream of more. More money, more things, more vacations, more power…

I dream of less. I want to downsize, sell all my clutter, move into a house with a wood stove and let the creepy rural living begin. I want to collect bottles, haul scrap metal, blog and fish. I want to hang out in the woods and learn how to use my professional sling shot that my friend Pete gave me. I want to live off of my veggie garden…who is this homesteader? Why now?

I would also like a new car. So, there’s that. Hmm maybe we are all made of many schitzy personalities. What are YOUR dreams?

More Later,



1 comment:

  1. with you on NEW CAR! lol! I dream of just crafting with kiddos all day and being able to live on a ranch....somewhere not have to work as much.... : ) Oh i love dreams!
